Barossa Valley & Mid North Auxiliary Chapters
Barossa Valley & Mid North
The Balaklava Auxiliary started in May 1962. Many children from the district use the hospital, and members appreciate the value of raising funds for much-needed equipment.
Members and supporters knit or crochet knee blankets and teddies for the cystic fibrosis ward, and draw on their culinary skills for other fundraisers including Mother’s day trading table, Balaklava-Owen Lodge Ball, Eisteddfod judges’ and adjudicators’ lunch, Christmas Fair Devonshire tea and lunches in the Town Hall.
The Greenock Auxiliary located in the western Barossa Valley was formed on 28 June 1958 and continues to be active with a current membership of 20 varying ages.
Meetings are held monthly at the local coffee shop or Institute. We welcome anyone, even if you can’t attend meetings but would like to help with fundraising for the hospital. Our fundraising activities include BBQs at local markets, vintage festival stalls, quiz night, raffles, selling merchandise and collecting donations at other events.
These provide times of fellowship, fun and making new friends as we work together to raise funds for equipment to help sick children from our community and the wider Barossa area.
Come and join us – you will be most welcome!
The Tarlee/Stockport Auxiliary was formed in 1958 and meets once or twice each year. Tarlee lies on the outskirts of both the Clare Valley to the North-West and the Barossa Valley to the east, and is situated half an hour’s drive north of Gawler.
We are a small, predominantly farming, community nestled in a valley between two rolling hill ranges. Auxiliary membership is currently 10-12 people, with many locals who are not members contributing to helping with fundraising. We have friendly informal meetings once or twice a year, and we raise most of our money by having cheesecake/fruit salad stalls at the Tarlee Country Markets, twice a year.
Always happy to welcome new faces from Tarlee, Stockport and surrounding areas!
Auxiliary members cater for suppers and hold raffles at Country Music concerts and organise an annual morning tea. Most of the 18 members have had family requiring the services of the hospital, and the group warmly welcomes anyone interested in joining.
Join a Barossa Valley & Mid North Auxiliary today.
(08) 8161 6439
72 King William Road
North Adelaide
SA 5006