Eyre Peninsula Auxiliary Chapters
Eyre Peninsula
The Ceduna Auxiliary formed in 1959 and facilitates various raffles and resourceful trading tables throughout the year.
With 12 current members, the Ceduna Auxiliary is an enthusiastic and creative team, and welcomes new members!
The Cleve Auxiliary formed in 1959 and currently has 16 members, facilitating various Raffles and trading tables throughout the year including an annual Collection Day.
The Cleve members are an enthusiastic and creative team and welcome new members!
The Lock Auxiliary began in 1959, and although membership is currently small, fundraising activities are supported by all of the community.
Members’ football rivalries are put aside at an annual trading table when Lock plays its nearest competitor. One member of the committee hosts a Melbourne Cup Lunch each November, and a pre-Christmas fundraiser is another annual event. The local Op Shop includes a “space” for donated jam, relish, pickles, home grown fruit, vegetables and eggs which are available to customers for a donation.
The Port Lincoln Auxiliary formed in 1955 and currently has 11 members. The Auxiliary facilitates diverse and resourceful Raffles throughout the year.
Port Lincoln members are an enthusiastic and creative team and welcome new members!
The Tumby Bay Auxiliary was formed in 1957, raising money through raffles, baking cakes and biscuits, selling recipe books, holding garden parties, luncheons and fashion parades. Unimaginable today, a valuable contribution to fundraising was collecting bags of rags for Witters to make filling for flock mattresses.
The Auxiliary opened an Opportunity Shop in 1985, initially opening one day per week. The dedicated volunteers now keep the shop open 6 days per week, with at least two volunteers working together.
Tumby Bay Auxiliary has 14 members and holds bi-monthly meetings. Volunteers able to contribute a few hours or more are always welcome!
Join an Eyre Peninsula Auxiliary today.
(08) 8161 6439
72 King William Road
North Adelaide
SA 5006