
The Friends of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital Inc. (Friends) staff and members would like to congratulate Kaye Steer on receiving the Order of Australia Medal (OAM) in the General Division for ‘Service to the Communities through Hospital Auxiliaries’ 2019. The appointment confers the highest recognition for outstanding achievement and service. The same medal was also awarded to Kaye's mother Shirley Hogben some 39 years earlier (on the Queens birthday) for her contribution to community groups.

Kaye is the Auxiliaries State President and Pt Adelaide Auxiliary Secretary.  Kaye has demonstrated outstanding leadership skills whilst mentoring, supporting and motivating Friends members to assist with their various fundraising activities. Kaye has been instrumental in the recruitment of new members to Friends and facilitates all of Pt Adelaide Auxiliary’s fundraising activities consisting of an annual Fashion Parade High Tea, annual Luncheon with interesting Guest Speakers, Bunnings Sausage Sizzles and  Variety Entertainment Afternoon Tea’s.

All fundraisers are a huge success and thoroughly enjoyed by those who attend. The Port Adelaide Auxiliary raises approximately $15,000 per year and since 1968 has raised the outstanding amount of $463,630 for the Women’s and Children’s Hospital (WCH).

As State President Kaye is the vital link between the Auxiliary members and the WCH. Kaye has traveled thousands of kilometres attending Regional Conferences as well as Auxiliary functions held by the 25 Auxiliaries throughout the State. Kaye’s encouragement and appreciation to the Auxiliary members is exemplary.

Kaye has played an integral role within the Friends association for 40 years. During this time Kaye has held a variety of office bearer roles and in some cases several at the same time. Kaye has been a vital part of the successful operations of the association during her time involved. It is difficult to determine how the Division would have been able to operate without the support, dedication and commitment from her.Kaye is a highly deserved and worthy recipient. All the ‘Friends’ thank you Kaye for your wonderful support to the Association over 40 years!

New members are always welcome to join any Auxiliary group throughout the state, for more details please contact the Friends office on 08 8161 8445

To learn more about the equipment purchased with funds raised please click here.


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