Friends purchase $100,000 of equipment


The Friends of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital (WCH) has raised $100,000 to purchase two pieces of medical equipment for the hospital.

The equipment includes an $80,000 ultrasound scanner and a $20,000 blood gas analyser.

The ultrasound scanner allows clinicians in the Paediatric Rehabilitation Botulinum Toxin (Botox) Program to administer injections to children with muscle spasticity and cerebral palsy, viewing a child’s anatomy with greater clarity than was previously possible, and therefore determining where in the body the Botox is needed most.

The blood gas analyser is used in the hospital’s Paediatric Emergency Department and allows clinicians to test blood samples on-site, instead of sending them off to a laboratory in another part of the hospital. This allows patients to be diagnosed and treated faster.

Over the past 25 years, the Friends of the WCH Inc. has donated more than $10 million to the Women’s and Children’s Hospital.

“We are thrilled with our fundraising efforts and our ability to purchase important new technology for the hospital and children in South Australia…I would like to personally thank all our members across the State who have helped raise money and encourage anyone who would like to support the important work of the WCH to consider joining our Association” Ms Linke said

The Paediatric Rehabilitation Botulinum Toxin (Botox) Program at the Women's and Children's Hospital provides a consumer-focused, family friendly service for patients who require Botox injections for muscle spasticity, usually 2-3 times per year. This program has resulted in fewer admissions to hospital, but when this is required, has resulted in a reduced length of stay.


New Ultrasound Provides Greater Treatment accuracy


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