
Fifteen year old Rani was recently allowed to go home after spending over a month in the Women’s and Children’s Hospital. Thanks to the two syringe drive pumps purchased by the hospital with funds donated by the Friends.

"It may not seem like much, a single syringe driver, but the effect it has had on me, my mum and my entire family is massive. Thanks to this syringe driver and thanks to you, I was able to go home.I was in hospital for more than a month. It had been over four weeks since I had seen my own house. I hadn't played with my dog, laid in my bed, looked out of my bedroom window or even just had a night without having to hide my eyes from the hospital lights.

I can never express in words how grateful I am that you allowed me to do this treatment in my own home. Thank you doesn't even express how grateful I am but thank you. Thank you so much. There really is no place like home"
- Rani

It is with great pleasure that the Friends Council select these types of projects when allocating the funds raised by our hard working members each year. Supporting projects or equipment purchases that directly support the South Australian public is paramount for the Council and our members. If you would like to donate to Friends so we can continue to support the hospital please click on the donate button or contact the office on (08) 8161 8445.

Thank you to all those that have made a tax deductible donation to Friends.


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