Shops Go Green in 2019


The Rainbows and Vic’s volunteer shops located within the Women’s and Children’s Hospital will be moving to compostable packaging (for those items made on site) when they reopen after the Christmas break, on the 7th January. Compostable coffee cups and lids are already in use within the shops and with this initiative the Shops Division are aiming to further reduce their carbon footprint and plastic waste.

Advantages of compostable packaging include

Low Impact during production
Low-carbon, recycled or renewable materials are used for production of packaging which is then delivered with a sustainable and traceable supply chain.

Because green tastes better
Compostable packaging is practical and stylish, and people love the look and feel-good factor of eco materials.

The key to zero waste
You can't recycle food with plastic in it, and you can't recycle plastic with food on it.Compostable packaging overcomes this issue as both, food and packaging can be recycled together.

Vegware is a global specialist in compostable food service packaging. Their award- winning catering disposables are low carbon, made from renewable or recycled materials such as corn starch, and can all be composted with food waste. Their products are made from plants, not plastic and are designed to breakdown within 12 weeks in commercial composting facilities. Consumables that will be sourced from Vegware include drinking straws, sandwich, rolls and salad packaging.

Adjustment of the prices will be done to accommodate the increased cost which compostable packaging will incur. The Shops Division are confident that customers will appreciate and support this Go Green initiative.


The Friends of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital Inc. 26th AGM & Conference


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