
The Friends were pleased to welcome Associate Professor Belinda Lange at the recent Auxiliary Divisions Region 1 Conference held at the WCH. Professor Lange spoke about the Virtual Reality (VR) program current being trialed in the Medical Day Unit at the hospital. Professor Lange demonstrated the system to members which is being used as a distraction technique to divert attention away from a painful or anxiety provoking procedure and focusing it on something more interesting. 

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The Friends provided $5000 for the initial trials as part of the 2018 Passion Projects. Funds allocated allowed for the purchase of three Samsung Gear VR systems which include a headset and mobile phone.

The Friends are pleased to be able to support such an innovative project which improves treatment options for SA children. Research with this technology will continue with the intention of introducing the VR systems into other treatment areas.

ABOVE : Region 1 Chairperson Jill Kaesler presents a small gift to Professor Lange on behalf of the Friends in appreciation of her attendance at the conference.


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