
Outgoing President of The Friends of WCH Inc., Shops Auxiliary Division Bev Graham presents the first donation for the new financial year to Phil Robinson, Executive Director, Corporate Services WCHN at the Shops Division Christmas dinner earlier this month.

The Friends of WCH Inc. Shops Auxiliary Division has presented a cheque for $200,000 to the Women’s and Children’s Health Network, its first donation for the 2015-16 financial year.

The presentation coincided with the retirement of Shops Auxiliary Division President Bev Graham after 11 years.

During her time as President Bev has presented more than $4 million in funds raised by Rainbows and Vic’s Coffee Shop to the WCHN, which has helped to purchase items such as:• the new WCH wayfinding system• surgical camera systems for paediatric theatres• home ventilators

Since 1999, Bev has given more than 10,000 hours of dedicated service to the Shops division.She has also represented the Shops division on the Friends Council and held the position of Vice President of Friends of WCH Inc.

Bev has overseen some of the biggest changes during the shops history, including the new food preparation area in Rainbows, new point of sale cash register system and the recruitment of the Business Manager.

She has been an extremely dedicated and committed volunteer, a fantastic leader and an inspiration. Bev will continue as the Vice President of Friends of WCH Inc. and team leader in Rainbows every Wednesday and Friday. Margaret Markham will take over as President of the Shops Auxiliary Division.


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