Queen Victoria Auxiliary Fashion Night A Success


The fifth annual Queen Victoria Auxiliary Fashion Night has successfully raised $12,000 for the Women’s and Children’s Hospital (WCH). Host Kelly Nestor, television news presenter welcomed the attendees to a night of South Australian fashion, showcasing designer labels Denim Iniquity, Paige Rowe, Calèche, Couture Love Madness, Elizabeth V, After Dark and 7 Men all of which were modeled by Finesse models.

With The Friends of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital (FWCH) the auxiliary group are able to host this event every year and support the WCH. Since 1993 the Queen Victoria Auxiliary (QVA) has been operating as part of the FWCH Auxiliaries and during this period they have raised over $43,000 from the Fashion Nights alone.

This year’s proceeds will be used to purchase a neonatal resuscitation cot for the delivery suite of the WCH. This cot is important for babies who are born sick or premature and whom require immediate care in order to survive.

We’d like to thank our sponsors who have made this night so successful

  • Angove Family Wine Makers for donating all of the wine for the evening allowing our guests to taste quality handcrafted South Australian wine.

  • Mercedes-Benz Adelaide for providing their magnificent showroom for the night.

  • Kaye and Kelly from K’s of New York Parkside for their expertise in hair and makeup

  • Sandra Paterson for the amazing photographers take on the night and

  • Toop & Toop Auctioneer Tim Thredgold

Thank you also to the 400 guests that attended on the night and a special mention of appreciation to Anne, the organising committee and all the volunteers that made this such a prosperous event. If you would like to see more photos from the night find us on Facebook.


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