Burns Bath Purchase

Another generous donation from the APFF members and supporters has led to an essential purchase for the WCH. Items selected for purchase by Friends and our supporters, such as APFF, value add to the excellent care provided by the hospital.

 The Friends were pleased to facilitate the recent handover of a Burns Bath trolley for the Newland Ward bathroom.

 As explained by Linda Quinn “The Burns Bath trolley is designed to provide a comfortable shower experience for patients who need to remain in a lying position, so their burns can be cleaned which is important as our children are sedated for their dressing change.

 It is height-adjustable and features patented Ergo-Access areas to enable the clinicians to get closer to the patient and maintain a comfortable working posture, while enabling the clinician to work efficiently and ergonomically”.

 Pictured back row, from right to left are MFS crew members Adam Maslen, Andrew Charlton, Jeremy Saywell and Daniel Cullen. Front row Phil Robinson Executive Director Corporate Services WCHN, Erin Burton Executive Director APFF and Linda Quinn Burns Advanced Nurse Consultant WCHN and

 For more information about the Foundation visit https://apff.org.au/ or to make a donation to the Friends of WCH please visit https://wchfriends.com.au/.

  Thank you to all that have made this generous donation possible.



Kadina Care Packs made with Kindness


Author Fiona McIntosh supports Friends Pt Adelaide Auxiliary