
Read all about our recent exciting stories from Friends, including donations, fundraising events, good-news-stories, equipment purchases, volunteer stories, and more.

Friends of WCH Inc Wade Friends of WCH Inc Wade

Burns Bath Purchase

Another generous donation from the APFF members and supporters has led to an essential purchase for the WCH. Items selected for purchase by Friends and our supporters, such as APFF, value add to the excellent care provided by the hospital.

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Sonia Davies Sonia Davies

Friends Shops Volunteers Make a Difference

The Women’s and Children’s Health Network (WCHN) annually fund a Christmas Lunch to acknowledge and thank the Friends Shops Volunteers for their outstanding service given to Rainbows and Vic’s Coffee Shop on site at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital.

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Sonia Davies Sonia Davies

Fashion Cup Event at Riverton

The Friends Tarlee/Stockport Auxiliary group held their very successful Melbourne Cup luncheon at the Hotel Central Riverton for the fourth year running. Hotel hosts Harry, Adam and Jasmin opened their doors to 60 people for an afternoon of sweeps, raffles and fashion parade kindly provided by the Riverton Boutique ‘Sassy Lass’. Chef Matthew Mitchell did not disappoint with a superb lunch menu.

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Sonia Davies Sonia Davies

Skunks Toy Run Donate to Friends

The Skunks 25th Annual Toy Run was held on the 10th of December 2022. A group of Motor Bike Riders from near and far assembled at Roxby Downs and rode to Andamooka to gather in the local Hall to distribute Christmas gifts. Local sponsors supported the event, including MPS Group Roxby Downs who donated badges for the riders’ jackets. The money received by riders who purchased a badge was donated to a charity of choice.

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Friends of WCH Inc Wade Friends of WCH Inc Wade

Istrian Social Club Purchase Ultrasound Scanner

The Friends of WCH were pleased to facilitate a recent donation of $85,000 from the Istrian Social Club of SA Incorporated. Club members selected the GE E-8 Ultrasound Scanner for the Women’s and Children’s Hospital Maternal Foetal Medicine (MFM) services.

This is a state of the art modern ultrasound machine and the one used in a vast majority of Tertiary Obstetric MFM Units.

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