Read all about our recent exciting stories from Friends, including donations, fundraising events, good-news-stories, equipment purchases, volunteer stories, and more.
A Great Friend Retires
After 31 years and an amazing 23,393 hours of service to the Shops Auxiliary, Kath Coupe has retired. One of the WCH Shops Auxiliary most valued and committed volunteers, Kath was instrumental in setting up the processes and systems needed for the management of stock control, finances, pricing of goods and other systems within the Shops.
Volunteer Profile: Bev Graham
Bev started in the Rainbows kitchen making sandwiches, rolls and hot dogs two mornings a week. Several years later she was invited to join the shops’ management committee and was trained in all areas of the shops’ operations. She also took on the arduous responsibility of managing the Rainbows daily roster, a task requiring both persistence and enormous patience!
Meet the Amazing Maureen Cass
Rainbows Shop has for the last 35 years, had the fortune of having Maureen Cass as a valuable volunteer with them, her time there totalling 3,680 hours.
Channel 10 Recognises Friends First for NVW
The Friends of WCH were pleased to be the first story aired for National Volunteer Week 2018 by the Channel 10 news. The story acknowledges the amazing contribution the Friends Shops Auxiliary Division provides to the hospital each year.
Shops Celebrate 90 Years at Hospital Christmas Party
The Shops Auxiliary Division of The Friends of Women’s and Children’s Hospital recently celebrated their 90 year anniversary of providing a kiosk service to the hospital.
Shops Division Celebrates 90 Years
This year the Shops Auxiliary Division at the WCH celebrate their 90th birthday – what an amazing achievement! Over the decades, auxiliary services have continued and expanded enormously.
Shop Volunteers Urgently Required
Would you like to make a real difference in the lives of other people? Would you like to contribute to a cause that provides important medical equipment? Do you want to be rewarded for what you do and make new friends?