Shops Celebrate 90 Years at Hospital Christmas Party


The Shops Auxiliary Division of The Friends of Women’s and Children’s Hospital (Friends) recently celebrated their 90 year anniversary of providing a kiosk service to the hospital. During this time the Shops Division has donated more than $10 million to the hospital to support equipment purchases and the Friends Fellowships.

Each year the Women's and Children's Hospital (WCH) provide a Christmas lunch to the shops volunteers in recognition and appreciation of the service provided to the hospital throughout the year. A total of 130 volunteers run the Rainbows and Vic’s Coffee Shops within the hospital. On average the shops contribute around $400,000 annually to the Friends fund raising campaigns. This is 80% of the total amount raised by Friends and this would not be possible without the dedicated service provided by the volunteers and the loyal support from hospital staff and consumers.

On behalf of the Friends and the WCH thank you to all the Shops volunteer’s.

The volunteer shops are always looking for new volunteers that would like to increase their skills and meet new friends whilst making a real difference to the lives of South Australian children. If you would like to join this dedicated team please click on the get involved link on the site or call the Friends office on (08) 8161 8445.


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