Friends Auxiliaries Division Region 12 Conference held at Moonta

It was great to see Region 12 Auxiliary members come together for their 59th Regional Conference on July 22nd.

Dr. Kamilia Wilczynska from Moonta Medical Centre opened the Conference and spoke briefly on Skin Cancers which was very informative and interesting. The Guest speaker of the day was Anne Axford who spoke of her Breast Cancer journey and treatment. Anne is a very positive and inspiring person.

The Region 12 Auxiliary groups consist of Kadina, Maitland/Arthurton, Moonta & District and Yorketown/Warooka & District.
These groups continue to organise fabulous events comprising of Country & Western Concerts, Assorted Raffles, Catering and Biscuit baking and the Arthurton Pop Up Markets & Garage Sale.

The Kadina and Maitland/Arthurton group utilise their Friends Auxiliary Facebook for easy communicating when planning and promoting events. New members are always welcome to join any Auxiliary group throughout the state.


‘Falling for Figaro’ Film night hosted by the Queen Victoria Auxiliary Division


Friends Auxiliaries Division Region 5 Conference held at Tintinara