
Read all about our recent exciting stories from Friends, including donations, fundraising events, good-news-stories, equipment purchases, volunteer stories, and more.

Friends of the Women's & Children's Hospital FWCH Friends of the Women's & Children's Hospital FWCH

For the third year running, Tarlee / Stockport Auxiliary Division hosts another successful Melbourne Cup luncheon

The Tarlee / Stockport Auxiliary held for the third year running a Melbourne Cup luncheon at the Hotel Central. Hosts of the hotel Harry, Adam Klavins and Jasmin Connell opened their doors to 60 people for an afternoon of sweeps, a fashion parade from the Riverton boutique Sassy Lass and Chef Matthew Mitchell did not disappoint with a superb lunch menu.

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Friends of the Women's & Children's Hospital FWCH Friends of the Women's & Children's Hospital FWCH

A successful Quiz night hosted by the Kadina Auxiliary Division

The Friends of the WCH, Kadina Auxiliary group recently hosted 120 community members for an entertaining Quiz night. The event was held at the local Community Sports Club, on Saturday 22nd October.

Attendees enjoyed testing their trivia knowledge, sharing supper amongst friends, and participating in an assortment of games. The evening included a raffle and auction which were strongly supported by local business in the community, whom generously donated an assortment of items and experiences.

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Edgehill Farm Stays Supports WCH Renal Unit

Friends teamed up with Edgehill Farm Stays to raise funds for the Renal Unit at the WCH earlier this year to help support families and take some stress away during the difficult times.

They were able to donate a generous $925 🎉 A huge thank you to Edgehill Farm Stays and the families who donated this farm stay season.

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Friends of the Women's & Children's Hospital FWCH Friends of the Women's & Children's Hospital FWCH

Region 10 Celebrate 60 years and Farewell a Long Standing Friend

Members attending the 60th celebrations for the Friends Region 10 Annual Conference and 60th Anniversary celebrations enjoyed an informative presentation from guest speaker Justyna Rosa, Wellbeing SA. The presentation focused on the mental health issues within regional areas of the state and provided and insight into how Wellbeing SA are addressing these concerns.

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