Help YOU Give (HUG) 2.0 - Bringing joy this Christmas


In 2016/17, 436 meal and gift vouchers were provided to families in need and in 2017/18 we plan to give out more to the Women's and Children's Hospital consumers and carers.

At a time of joy and stress, coming into Hospital over the Christmas period is sometimes the last thing that families need.  It is often the little things that brighten people’s days, again The Friends of WCH Inc, will be supporting an initiative of the Women’s and Children’s Health Network (WCHN) Citizen Jury to administer a voucher system.

The initiative referred to as HUG (Helping You Give) will spread the happiness to families in the Women’s and Children’s Hospital (WCH) by surprising some families with one of three types of vouchers (for a coffee, to spend in one of the shops or for a meal).

The 2016/17 initiative was so popular and contributed so many random acts of kindness the Friends jumped on board (right away) to bring this to families this Christmas.  Read more about the 2016/17 initiative. In addition to meal and gift vouchers, all money form vouchers not claimed contributed to the purchase of a "Ezy Charge" mobile phone station for the Children's Emergency Department.

 “We have given a voucher today to a family who have been in PICU for over a week now and live near Murray Bridge ( they live to close to Adelaide to be eligible for the PATs scheme and are doing it pretty tough) The mum of the toddler was extremely grateful and the voucher put a big smile on her face.” (PICU NURSE, 2017)

The Friends wants you to help give a HUG by donating any amount to bring joy this Christmas.

STEP 1: Visit our donation section.

STEP 2: Contribute an amount.

STEP 3: Tell us why you are giving a HUG.

STEP 4: Bring joy to families.

(IMAGE: Mr Allan Ball, Director Consumer and Community Engagement, Mrs Judith Jordan, Consumer Representatives on WCHN Citizen Jury, Mr. Andrew Wade, Business Manager Friends WCH Inc. and Vikki Bedford, Consumer Representative on WCHN Citizen Jury with "Ezy Charge" station prior to installation).


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