
Read all about our recent exciting stories from Friends, including donations, fundraising events, good-news-stories, equipment purchases, volunteer stories, and more.

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Adelaide Dickens Fellowship Final Donation to WCH

It was with great sadness that the Friends learnt of the decision to close the Adelaide Dickens Fellowship. The Friends have taken great pride in facilitating the donations the fellowship has made to the hospital for purchasing books and equipment over the years. The Friends understand the difficulty in attracting new members and sympathise with the fellowship regarding the need to make the decision to close.

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Friends Donation Leads to Safer Treatment

When Council has selected items, Adrian Richards from Biomedical Engineering within the Hospital, then sources a supplier which can provide the most suitable items at the best price.

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Home Ventilator Purchase Supports SA Family

The ability to support a child at home with a ventilator means that they can be discharged from hospital earlier, with all of the benefits that come from them being back in their familiar surroundings.

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