
The ability to support a child at home with a ventilator means that they can be discharged from hospital earlier, with all of the benefits that come from them being back in their familiar surroundings.Last year the Friends purchased 3 home ventilators for the hospital to loan to SA families. This year, with your support the Friends are raising funds to purchase an additional 4 ventilators.

“Our son was born in 2011 with respiratory medical issues, requiring mechanical ventilation from birth. We were concerned that this may result in life long hospitalisation due to his ventilation dependency.Having access to portable ventilation allowed us to be discharged from the hospital after only 6 months, and has given our child a measure of freedom and normalcy not possible in a hospital environment, resulting in an increased rate of muscular and personal development due to the added stimulations in a home environment.With the use of the portable ventilator we are able to take day trips around the state to see family and friends, and we have even stayed over night during holidays at the beach in a cabin. Our son is able to attend a regular public school, taking his ventilator with him in case of emergency or to use when he feels tired from playing at recess and lunch times.Without a portable ventilator, our little families’ life would be very different, and we would have had to move from our farm in the country, into a house in the city, for our son to live out his life nearer to medical facilities.” - The Hughes

If you would like to make a one time or monthly donation to help purchase additional ventilators please click on Home Ventilator donation and write home ventilator as your reason for donating.

Please help the Friends transform the lives of more South Australian families. 


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