Istrian Social Club Purchase Ultrasound Scanner


The Friends of WCH were pleased to facilitate a recent donation of $85,000 from the Istrian Social Club of SA Incorporated. Club members selected the GE E-8 Ultrasound Scanner for the Women’s and Children’s Hospital Maternal Foetal Medicine (MFM) services.

This is a state of the art modern ultrasound machine and the one used in a vast majority of Tertiary Obstetric MFM Units.

This will allow the MFM Unit to fulfil our desire for improved patient care pathways, or what we call “one stop Shopping”, for vulnerable women in complex pregnancies, Patients can attend one place for evaluation, examination, counselling and management planning.

This addition to our unit will allow us to:

  1. Develop and institute a Preterm Birth Prevention Clinic where commonly quality ultrasound is required. Preterm Birth is the most important complication in pregnancy that results in neonatal morbidity and mortality.

  2. Support for Early Pregnancy Assessment for women presenting with threatened miscarriage.

  3. Improve quality ultrasound training to our Obstetric and Gynaecology trainees.


Explains Dr Peter Muller, Clinical Lead Maternal –Fetal Medicine Services

The Istrian Social Club of SA Inc was named after the Istria Peninsula, which is the largest peninsula within the Adriatic Sea. It is shared by three countries Croatia, Slovenia and Italy. The social club was established in 1972 and reached a membership base of 130 before slowly declining to 35. Due to the reduction in members, the club sold its clubrooms located in Athol Park. Funds raised from the sale have been donated to various charities throughout SA and they were pleased to support the WCH on this occasion.

Facilitating external donations, such as this allows Friends to enhance the support it provides to the WCHN. All external donations, made to the hospital via Friends are processed in consultation with the donor with no administration fees applied. This ensures 100% of the funds donated are allocated to the specific item selected.

If you or someone you know would like to donate to Friends please direct them to the link below or contact the Friends office on 8161 8445.

The WCHN would like to thank the Istrian Social Club of SA Inc, for their very generous donation.

Donate today.


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Port Adelaide 25th Anniversary