OZ Minerals Breast Pump Donation

Approximately 10% of the yearly admissions to the Women’s and Children’s Hospital (WCH), Neo Natal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families. 

Data collected in NICU for the year 2020 shows 69% of Aboriginal neonates received breastmilk as their first feed, with the number significantly dropping to 36% of infants receiving some breastmilk at discharge. Providing breast pumps to these families within the NICU is seen as a valuable resource that will assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders with their journey through NICU and expressing for their babies. Breast milk provides a significantly lower risk of sepsis, necrotising enterocolitis and shows better growth and development of premature neonates, it really does provide the best start for these already vulnerable infants. 

 These families are not always in a position to afford a breast pump for the amount of time their baby is in the nursery and funding support is minimal. Mothers are required to express breastmilk over a prolonged period usually by hand, up to and sometimes beyond 5 months and more often than not mothers milk supply isn't maintained and a lot of mothers stop expressing all together. 

  This small but significant intervention will give equal opportunity to all families, with some support from OZ Minerals we should see the percentage of infants receiving breastmilk at discharge increase to at least 60% by the end of 2022”.

 "I could see a gap in the care I was providing to the mothers, and thought access to equipment should be equal and not just to those that could afford it. Breastmilk for preterm neonates is hugely important and supporting women to build their supply to set them up for a lifetime of benefits is something I am passionate about”.

 Kate Nuttall, WCHN Clinical Research Nurse explains.

Following a request for donation support to OZ Minerals by Kate, financial support was provided to secure 10 hospital grade electric breast pumps, which would be used by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women.

 The Friends were once again pleased to facilitate this during the Harmony Week celebrations, ensuring items are purchased with no administration fees applied.  Two pumps have already been provided to women with positive feedback received.

 "These pumps are a great idea to help mothers feel more involved in their babies care, by being able to provide their own breast milk for their baby."  - Isobel

 ​“These pumps will have a huge impact in helping improve the health care journey for this culturally diverse group, by maintaining their milk supply throughout their journey in the neonatal nurseries and increasing breastfeeding in the community” - Linda

“OZ Minerals Carrapateena supports a variety of events, activities and programs within the community. One of the key priority areas of support is Health and Wellbeing Programs, particularly for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

We’re guided by our purpose, “Going beyond what’s possible to make lives better”. We believe that only when we create value for all our stakeholders will we be successful and sustainable.

 The majority of the OZ Minerals Carrapateena workforce live in South Australia. We want to support the communities that our people call home and make sure they prosper,”

states Jackson Richmond, Heritage & Community Advisor OZ Minerals Carrapateena.

The Friends of WCH would like to thank OZ Minerals for the donation and for selecting Friends to facilitate such a worthwhile contribution to culturally diverse South Australian families.


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