Kadina Auxiliary welcome Spring with a ‘Springtime Morning Tea’

The Friends of the WCH, Kadina Auxiliary group, recently hosted 130 community members for a Springtime Morning Tea. Held at the local Golf Club, on Friday 2nd September, the sun shone as attendees enjoyed listening to enlightening guest speakers and sampled an assortment of wonderful homemade slices and various savoury treats.

The Auxiliary received a tremendous amount of praise as two local women shared their lived experiences of time spent at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital. Their stories were inspiring as well as an eye opening experience of how the WCH have supported local families on lifelong journeys.

Two local businesses also supported the event hosting stalls and donating a percentage of their sales back to the Auxiliary. The morning tea was extremely successful raising over $3000!

The Kadina group utilise their Friends Auxiliary Facebook for easy communicating when planning and promoting events. New members are always welcome to join any Auxiliary group throughout the state.


The Friends Greenock Auxiliary Division High Tea


Region 10 Friends Auxiliary Members reconnect…