Region 10 Friends Auxiliary Members reconnect…

Friends Region 10 members gathered to attend their 61st Annual Regional Conference at the Madonna Hall, Sevenhill which is located in the Clare Valley on Wednesday 24th August 2022.

Region 10 Chair, Marion Bartholomaeus, opened the conference and welcomed everyone to the day.

Penny Pratt, Shadow Minister for Regional Health, spoke of her work in the health area and then introduced the guest speaker Justyna Rosa. Justyna gave an outline of her day-to-day work including her community work in the Clare Valley region.

Justyna had been invited along to speak of her recent overseas humanitarian aid work.  She works for Wellness SA bringing awareness to mental health issues and assisting in suicide prevention.  While happily married with two small children Justyna felt very strongly the need to travel to Poland to assist refugees coming across the border from Ukraine after the invasion by Russia caused a large exodus of women, children and elderly Ukrainians.   We were shown photos of her time there and heard of the work being done by many volunteers who, like Justyna, had travelled to the area to assist with providing food, clothing, basic hygiene necessities, and shelter.  Everyone was in awe of the sacrifice she and the other aid workers had made.

Region 10 Auxiliary groups consist of Auburn/Watervale, Clare and Crystal Brook.  These groups regularly organise various fundraising events including, raffles, card days, catering, op shops etc.  New members are welcomed to join any Auxiliary group throughout the state.


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