Local Pub Supports The Friends

The Friends would like to recognise and thank Tracey and Eddie, owners of the Melville Hotel for the support they are providing to the Yorketown / Warooka and Districts Auxiliaries, Friends of WCH Inc. Every second Friday raffle tickets for a meat tray donated by Warooka Butchers are sold in the pub with all proceeds ($640 to date) donated to the local Auxiliary group.

 The Auxiliaries have raised funds for the Women’s and Children’s Hospital since 1957, raising a total of $58,529 and are part of Region 12 of the Auxiliary Division. This division comprising of auxiliary groups in Yorketown, Warooka, Kadina, Maitland, Arthurton, Moonta and Districts collectively have raised an incredible $807,252 over the last 60 years. Funds are primarily allocated towards medical equipment at the hospital and in regional areas. An example of this support are the 52 hearing audiometers recently purchased at a cost of $130,000 and allocated to CaFHS sites throughout South Australia. The audiometers have ensured 18,000 newborn babies and 40,000 preschool children have had their hearing screened since 2017.

 “Support from local business such as the Melville Hotel and Warooka Butchers not only help to raise funds but also increase the awareness of the Friends organisation and the contribution it makes to South Australian families, in both regional and metropolitan areas”. Explains Julie Tonkin, Region 12 Chairperson.

 New members are always welcome within the auxiliary groups and anyone interested in joining can contact the Friends office on 8161 8445. For more information about the Friends, or to make a donation please visit the website https://wchfriends.com.au/ or contact the office.


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OZ Minerals Breast Pump Donation