WCH Staff Thank Members

As another financial year closes, the Women’s and Children’s Hospital staff and Friends thank our amazing members around the state that support the hospital in so many ways. This video demonstrates the level of support provided to all South Australian by Friends every year.

This is highlighted by the 52 Hearing Audiometers Friends donated to various CaFHS sites, at a cost of $130,000. This has meant those living in the regional areas of the state do not need to travel to the WCH for their child’s hearing check. The audiometers have ensured 18,000 new born babies and 40,000 preschool children have been screened since 2017.

 We thank all those that donate to Friends; your donations also support the purchase of the equipment items in the video. Donate today to help Friends to continue to support the WCH and all SA families.

Friends of WCH Equipment presentation video #4 .JPG

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