Read all about our recent exciting stories from Friends, including donations, fundraising events, good-news-stories, equipment purchases, volunteer stories, and more.
QVA Devonshire Tea
The Friends Queen Victoria Auxiliary committee hosted a Devonshire tea at the Mount Osmond Golf Club, on Monday 23rd October 2023. Members and supporters were thrilled to have ‘Her Excellency the Honourable Frances Adamson AC Governor of South Australia as the Guest Speaker’.
QVA Play Day in May
Another very successful ‘Play Day in May’ (games day) recently raised $3,100 which will be used to purchase a Sofa Reclining Bed for families in the Women’s and Babies’ Division Maternity Ward.
Friends Welcome their Website Coordinator Volunteer
Friends are delighted to announce the recruitment of their new Website Coordinator Volunteer, Meg Drechsler. Meg is highly skilled in the business of connecting with people and has over 25 years of expertise in communications, media, advertising, training and events.