Australian Professional Firefighters Donation

The first donation for this financial year from the Australian Professional Firefighters Foundation (APFF) was completed with all selected items recently handover to the hospital.

Items are selected from a pre-determined list provided to the APFF board. The Friends purchase items, which are selected using the donated funds from the foundation.

Due to long wait times for certain items to be specially made this can often take several months to complete.

Once again thanks to the generosity of its members and support provided by the community an initial $20,000 was donated to the WCH via the Friends. The donation allowed for the purchase of

·        3 x recliner chairs/beds for parents staying overnight in Newland ward

·        2 x burns theatre trolleys

·        Nintendo Switch console and games, sensory toys and magazine subscriptions for Newland ward which treats burns patients.

·        Distraction decal for an Outpatient treatment room at the hospital which is also used for burns patients.

Interim Advanced Divisional Director, Nursing Surgical Services WCHN, Sina Amabili was pleased to receive the trolleys explaining the benefits they provide during burns surgeries to APFF board members and senior staff.


Rebecca, Clinical Nurse Consultant Newland ward was extremely grateful to receive the new recliner chairs, games and toys for the ward and is pictured with the APFF members, Newland nursing staff and Kaye Steer OAM Friends Auxiliary Division State President.

James Lynch, Acting Nursing Unit Manager Surgical Services WCHN  and APFF members also visited treatment room 18 within the hospital Paediatric Outpatients department to inspect the newly installed decal. The decal will provide an important distraction for children in the room whilst being treated.

To learn more about their continued support of the hospital click here

The Friends would also like to recognise the generous support provided by Paul from Ted Turner Signs

Donate today to support the ongoing work of the Friends of WCH.

 Thank you to all that have made this very generous donation possible.


WCH Staff Thank Members


50 years of support