
Read all about our recent exciting stories from Friends, including donations, fundraising events, good-news-stories, equipment purchases, volunteer stories, and more.

Sonia Davies Sonia Davies

QVA hold another successful Film Night

On Sunday evening, 11th February the Friends Queen Victoria Auxiliary Division held another very successful Film Night ‘Force of Nature: The Dry 2’ at the Regal Cinema in Kensington Park.

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Sonia Davies Sonia Davies

The Friends Celebrate 30 Years!

The Friends of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital Inc. (Friends) members celebrated 30 years as an incorporated association at their 30th Annual Conference and AGM at the Adelaide Royal Coach Hotel on the 27th of October 2023. The luncheon was extended to incorporate cutting of the cake including a very interesting history of the Friends kindly researched and presented by Friends Life Member Barb Lamkin.

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Sonia Davies Sonia Davies

Friends Region 12 Auxiliary Groups Celebrate 60 Years!

On Friday 28th July, Region 12 members from Auxiliary groups Kadina, Maitland/Arthurton, Moonta and Warooka/Yorketown attended their 60th Annual Conference at Arthurton.

Eleanor Langford opened the conference. Eleanor grew up in the area, became a doctor and moved back to her area as a local GP. Eleanor spoke about the self-collection Cervical Screening Test and discussed the changes in survival rates over the years. ‘About 800 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer in Australia each year, and about 70% of these cases occur in women who have never screened or were not up-to-date with their screening. Having regular screening tests is the best way to protect yourself’.

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Sonia Davies Sonia Davies

QVA Play Day in May

Another very successful ‘Play Day in May’ (games day) recently raised $3,100 which will be used to purchase a Sofa Reclining Bed for families in the Women’s and Babies’ Division Maternity Ward.

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