‘Charity of Choice’ - Kadina Friends Purchase Breast Pumps

Kadina residents Helen and Dean Rodda held their final ‘Camelot Garden Stroll’ open garden on the 4th of November 2023 and chose Friends as their ‘charity of choice’ donating all gate proceeds to The Friends Kadina Auxiliary group. Sponge rolls, preserves, biscuits, cakes, sweet and savoury scones, tea and coffee were baked and served by our Kadina Auxiliary members. Including the gate proceeds this wonderful event raised the amazing amount of $12,400!

The Friends were extremely grateful and thanked Helen and Dean for choosing Friends as their final ‘charity of choice’.

Annually the Women’s and Children’s Health Network (WCHN) provide an equipment wish list to the Friends Council. The Kadina Auxiliary members contributed the $12,400 towards the purchase of 22 Ameda Breast Pumps from the 2023/2024 list.

WCHN Home Equipment Centre Coordinator, Rajat explained “We decided to order 22 Ameda Pearl Breast Pumps as opposed to only 6 Ameda Platinum Breast Pumps at the same cost of $36,000. Additionally, the Ameda Pearl is far more versatile as it comes with a robust carry case for easy transportation.

In appreciation to the Kadina members, Rebecca and Helen were asked to present the pumps to Rajat and Phil Robinson Executive Director, Corporate Services, WCHN. Thank you, Kadina Friends!

If you would like to be a volunteer and contribute to this amazing association, check out our volunteer button or if you would like to make a donation to The Friends of the WCH Inc. press the donate button.


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