A Christmas Celebration to Thank you all…

Each year the Women’s and Children’s Health Network funds an Annual Christmas Lunch to acknowledge and thank the Friends Volunteer Committee Members and Shops Volunteers for their donation and service given to the Hospital throughout the year.

The Friends Shops Auxiliary Division AGM held simultaneously is an opportunity to acknowledge and present Certificates of Hours, Years of Service and Life Membership to our hardworking dedicated volunteers.

Friends’ volunteers celebrate the day at the Adelaide Royal Coach Hotel in fine style with delicious food and excellent raffle prizes kindly donated by our Shops suppliers. The luncheon is a great opportunity to engage and relax with those who have worked together throughout the year.

The Friends of the WCH Inc. (Friends) also thanked the management of the Adelaide Royal Coach Hotel for their ongoing generosity. Providing their venue at no charge and based on their regular room hire fee for the 11 meetings required for Friends, this equates to an In Kind Donation of $2,200.00 to Friends ANNUALLY!

On behalf of the staff of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital Network we would like to thank our dedicated Friends members/volunteers from each division for their wonderful contribution throughout the year and wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Please enjoy some photos selected from the day, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all!


Friends Shop Division contribute an amazing $150,000.00 to Friends!


For the third year running, Tarlee / Stockport Auxiliary Division hosts another successful Melbourne Cup luncheon