New Partnership with Friends Shops and TAFE

An exciting new partnership between the Shops Auxiliary Division and TAFE SA commenced in June.

The Adult Migrant English Program in partnership with Tafe SA offers students a short course in Barista training to be a café all-rounder at the Coffee Academy at Regency TAFE.    They also learn English for employment, Australian workplace culture and one day practical training before undertaking unpaid work placement.  Students must complete a minimum of 40 hours during which time the placement provider gives the students the opportunity to become involved with a hands-on experience.  Supervisors pass on their valuable skills and knowledge and students gain a chance to increase their employment outcomes.  Or in this case volunteer roles!

The program, offered to the students include Work Health & Safety, food safety, hygiene practises for food safety and customer interaction.

We place students in many restaurants, cafes, hotels and supermarkets and they are often successful in finding employment which of course may help you with your staffing/volunteering needs.  We also have a food handling class that covers duties for kitchen hands!  So we can provide back of house and front of house staff explains Bronwyn, ESL Lecturer & Co-ordinator Pathways to Employment & Training in Hospitality.

Friends are pleased to be involved in the program and can provide a flexible and supportive environment for the students. Pictured with students Lucy and Lin are Bronwyn and Friends Business Manager, Andrew Wade.

Both Lin and Lucy really enjoyed their two week placement in Rainbows and have now registered as volunteers with Friends doing one shift per week.

New volunteers are always welcome. Please click on the link below to apply


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