Read all about our recent exciting stories from Friends, including donations, fundraising events, good-news-stories, equipment purchases, volunteer stories, and more.
New Books Available at Friends Rainbows and Vic’s Coffee Shop
The Friends Rainbows and Vic's Coffee Shop have added an array of delightful and educational children's books to their collections. Come and explore these wonderful books for sale, designed to be fun, thought-provoking, and engaging, helping readers learn more about the world around them.
The Friends Celebrate 30 Years!
The Friends of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital Inc. (Friends) members celebrated 30 years as an incorporated association at their 30th Annual Conference and AGM at the Adelaide Royal Coach Hotel on the 27th of October 2023. The luncheon was extended to incorporate cutting of the cake including a very interesting history of the Friends kindly researched and presented by Friends Life Member Barb Lamkin.
New Partnership with Friends Shops and TAFE
An exciting new partnership between the Shops Auxiliary Division and TAFE SA commenced in June.
The Adult Migrant English Program in partnership with Tafe SA offers students a short course in Barista training to be a café all-rounder at the Coffee Academy at Regency TAFE. They also learn English for employment, Australian workplace culture and one day practical training before undertaking unpaid work placement.
Recognition for Outstanding Volunteer Service
The Friends of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital Inc. (Friends) staff and members congratulate Dorothy Sandland, Shops Auxiliary President on receiving a Premiers Certificate for Recognition of Outstanding Volunteer Service. Pictured is Friends President Pauline Linke presenting the Certificate to Dorothy.
Friends Shop Division contribute an amazing $150,000.00 to Friends!
Each year the Friends Shops Auxiliary Division present their first half of the financial year contribution to Friends for the Women’s and Children’s Health Network (WCHN). The cheque is presented at the annual thank you Christmas Lunch funded by the Women’s and Children’s Health Network (WCHN).
A Great Friend Retires
After 31 years and an amazing 23,393 hours of service to the Shops Auxiliary, Kath Coupe has retired. One of the WCH Shops Auxiliary most valued and committed volunteers, Kath was instrumental in setting up the processes and systems needed for the management of stock control, finances, pricing of goods and other systems within the Shops.
Volunteer Profile: Bev Graham
Bev started in the Rainbows kitchen making sandwiches, rolls and hot dogs two mornings a week. Several years later she was invited to join the shops’ management committee and was trained in all areas of the shops’ operations. She also took on the arduous responsibility of managing the Rainbows daily roster, a task requiring both persistence and enormous patience!
Shops Celebrate 90 Years at Hospital Christmas Party
The Shops Auxiliary Division of The Friends of Women’s and Children’s Hospital recently celebrated their 90 year anniversary of providing a kiosk service to the hospital.