
Read all about our recent exciting stories from Friends, including donations, fundraising events, good-news-stories, equipment purchases, volunteer stories, and more.

Sonia Davies Sonia Davies

New Books Available at Friends Rainbows and Vic’s Coffee Shop

The Friends Rainbows and Vic's Coffee Shop have added an array of delightful and educational children's books to their collections. Come and explore these wonderful books for sale, designed to be fun, thought-provoking, and engaging, helping readers learn more about the world around them.

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Sonia Davies Sonia Davies

QVA hold another successful Film Night

On Sunday evening, 11th February the Friends Queen Victoria Auxiliary Division held another very successful Film Night ‘Force of Nature: The Dry 2’ at the Regal Cinema in Kensington Park.

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Sonia Davies Sonia Davies

Friends Shops Volunteers Make a Difference

The Women’s and Children’s Health Network (WCHN) annually fund a Christmas Lunch to acknowledge and thank the Friends Shops Volunteers for their outstanding service given to Rainbows and Vic’s Coffee Shop on site at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital.

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Friends of WCH Inc Wade Friends of WCH Inc Wade

APFF Transform Treatment Options for Major Skin Graph Surgery

The Friends of the Women’s and Children’s are once again pleased to facilitate another generous donation from the Australian Professional Firefighters Foundation (APFF).

One of the main focuses of the APFF is to provide assistance to the Newland Ward which treats burns and road crash casualties. APFF members are often first responders to these incidents. This donation aligns with the APFF members’ core values.

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Friends of WCH Inc Wade Friends of WCH Inc Wade

New Partnership with Friends Shops and TAFE

An exciting new partnership between the Shops Auxiliary Division and TAFE SA commenced in June.

The Adult Migrant English Program in partnership with Tafe SA offers students a short course in Barista training to be a café all-rounder at the Coffee Academy at Regency TAFE. They also learn English for employment, Australian workplace culture and one day practical training before undertaking unpaid work placement.

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Sonia Davies Sonia Davies

Friends Welcome their Website Coordinator Volunteer

Friends are delighted to announce the recruitment of their new Website Coordinator Volunteer, Meg Drechsler. Meg is highly skilled in the business of connecting with people and has over 25 years of expertise in communications, media, advertising, training and events.

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Friends of the Women's & Children's Hospital FWCH Friends of the Women's & Children's Hospital FWCH

The Friends 29th Annual Conference & AGM was a Huge Success!

The Friends of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital Inc. (Friends) members held a successful 29th Annual Conference and AGM at the Adelaide Royal Coach Hotel on the 21st of October.

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Guest User Guest User

The Friends Greenock Auxiliary Division High Tea

The Friends Greenock Auxiliary Group are holding a High Tea at the Truro Oval Complex on Sunday, 20 November 2022 from 2-4 pm. There will be raffles, games and maybe an auction on the day so bring along your extra coins!

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Friends of the Women's & Children's Hospital FWCH Friends of the Women's & Children's Hospital FWCH

Region 10 Celebrate 60 years and Farewell a Long Standing Friend

Members attending the 60th celebrations for the Friends Region 10 Annual Conference and 60th Anniversary celebrations enjoyed an informative presentation from guest speaker Justyna Rosa, Wellbeing SA. The presentation focused on the mental health issues within regional areas of the state and provided and insight into how Wellbeing SA are addressing these concerns.

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