Friends Berri Auxiliary Member Receives OAM

The Friends of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital Inc. (Friends) staff and members would like to congratulate Val Fewster who was presented an Order of Australia Medal (OAM) in the general division for ‘Service to Community Health’ through her work and as a volunteer on 5th May 2022.

Val joined the Friends in 1995 and currently holds the position of the Auxiliaries Division Region 6 Chair for Berri and Renmark groups including the previous position of Berri Auxiliary President several times. Val demonstrates outstanding leadership skills and continues to advocate for vulnerable children and families in the community.  

Val’s community work and volunteering represents the values of the Women’s and Children’s Health Network. 

New members are always welcome to join any Auxiliary group throughout the state.

To learn more about the equipment purchased with funds raised please click here.


Pt Adelaide Auxiliary Group exceed Fundraised Annual total


The Friends Acknowledge Julie Tonkin