Region 10 Celebrate 60 years and Farewell a Long Standing Friend
Members attending the 60th celebrations for the Friends Region 10 Annual Conference and 60th Anniversary celebrations enjoyed an informative presentation from guest speaker Justyna Rosa, Wellbeing SA. The presentation focused on the mental health issues within regional areas of the state and provided an insight into how Wellbeing SA are addressing these concerns.
Region 10, which includes Auburn/Watervale, Clare and Saddleworth (now closed) Auxiliaries have raised collectively $357,748 over the years. Congratulations to all past and present members of this dedicated Region for 60 years of fund raising for the Women’s and Children’s Hospital.
Members attending enjoyed a morning tea and Justyna’s presentation before also listening to the retirement speech from Barbara Lamkin.
I would just like to share with you - my 50 year Women’s and Children’s Hospital journey. Auburn/Watervale Auxiliary started on the 15th August 1961 and, as many of you know, we recently celebrated our 60th Birthday with Afternoon Tea, at Stanley Grammar House. In July 1971, with 2 small children, I joined the Auburn/Watervale Auxiliary of the Adelaide Children’s Hospital at a Garden Party at the Auburn School House.
In 1981 I was elected President following Beryl Whitehead - a position I held on and off for 36 years. In 1986 I was elected as Chairman of Region 10 - a position I held, also on and off, for 26 years. In 1988 I was invited by lovely Joan Crouch, the then State President of CHASSA, to stand as Vice President for 4 years, serving as a member of the State Council. In 1992, at Conference, I was elected State President of the Auxiliaries Division, where I spent 2 years, travelling to all Regions of the State and Alice Springs. This was a very busy, but thoroughly enjoyable time, visiting, talking and encouraging our 68 Auxiliaries with their fundraising efforts, always, and still, accompanied by the wonderful staff from the Friends office. During all my years of service, I was totally supported by our beautiful Patron, Lady Mary Downer.
Whilst holding office I was on the hospital’s Equipment Committee, and chaired the “Friends Promoting Good Health” Steering Committee. Also in 1992, I was appointed as an Adelaide Children’s Hospital Board Director, working with the Queen Victoria Hospital Board, to amalgamate the two hospitals who were either side of Adelaide. This was a stressful but rewarding time, especially the co-ordination of a new Friends constitution, and then in 1995, finally seeing these two great Hospitals come together on one site in the purpose-built North Adelaide facility. One name the hospital had was the Adelaide Medical Centre for Women and Children, and then thankfully shortened to the WCH with that beautiful blue and white logo! This provided a wonderful specialist centre for both women and children - which continues to this day.
I served on the WCH Board for 9 years, and from 2001, as a Trustee of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital Foundation for the next 8 years. Following the amalgamation of the ACH and QVH, I was elected as the 1st Chairman of the Co-ordinating Council of the Friends of the WCH, from 1992 - 1996. This new group consisted of the Shops Auxiliary, the In-house Volunteers, the Queen Victoria Auxiliary, and the 68 Auxiliaries state-wide, as well as Alice Springs. I was re-elected to this position for a further 3 years. From 1993 - 1999 many country folk may remember me organising people to collect for the auxiliaries at The Royal Adelaide Show Ram Sales - raising $11,400 in gold coins. Members may also remember we produced and sold 3 or 4 successful cookbooks.
In 1993 I was awarded Life Membership of the WCH, and in 1994 Life Membership of the Friends. To my delight and surprise in 2003, Hospital CEO David Swan invited me to represent the WCH on the Ronald McDonald House Board, a role I enjoyed for 11 years until 2014. This was a special time in my life supporting 3 amazing children’s charities over so many years, especially my Auburn/Watervale Auxiliary where, as members and our partners, we had so many fun times, working hard and raising good money for the women, children and babies at the hospital. Many great functions were held - Melbourne Cup Luncheons, Garden Parties and 3 Vintage Dinners.
Thanks to all of you for your support, donations, and wonderful lifelong friendships - may they continue. I could not end this journey, without thanking my husband Alan for his love and support for my passion over 50 years - he so loved the dressing in penguin suits for the Balls, the formal functions, and the endless meetings!! Time to relax and enjoy some slower times - My love to you all.
The Friends of the WCH Inc. would like to acknowledge and thank Barb for her long serving commitment to Friends and the WCH and wish her every happiness for the future.
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![Kaye Steer OAM, Auxiliaries State President and Barb Lamkin cut the cake](
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![Region 10 Chair, Marion Bartholomaeus presents a thankyou gift to Guest Speaker Justyna Rosa, Wellbeing SA](
![Members of Region 10](