
Read all about our recent exciting stories from Friends, including donations, fundraising events, good-news-stories, equipment purchases, volunteer stories, and more.

Friends of the Women's & Children's Hospital FWCH Friends of the Women's & Children's Hospital FWCH

The Friends 29th Annual Conference & AGM was a Huge Success!

The Friends of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital Inc. (Friends) members held a successful 29th Annual Conference and AGM at the Adelaide Royal Coach Hotel on the 21st of October.

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Friends' Achievements Friends of the Women's & Children's Hospital FWCH Friends' Achievements Friends of the Women's & Children's Hospital FWCH

New Brand and Website Launch

It has been an exciting journey for members and staff of the Friends working on the design of the new website and branding. After months of working together, identifying the best way to demonstrate how the Friends brand would connect with the Women’s and Children’s Hospital and the broader community. The day has finally come.

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Equipment purchased Friends of WCH Inc Wade Equipment purchased Friends of WCH Inc Wade

Bartley Partners Donation

How exciting to see the handover of a Phototherapy Unit by our Inaugural Corporate Partner, Bartley Partners Accounting. The unit, which was donated by the Managing Partner Christopher Overton and his team, was presented to Pauline, Nursing/Midwifery Unit Manager, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, WCH.

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