New Brand and Website Launch


It has been an exciting journey for members and staff of the Friends working on the design of the new website and branding. After months of working together, identifying the best way to demonstrate how the Friends brand would connect with the Women’s and Children’s Hospital and the broader community. The day has finally come.

Members, supporters and staff participated in the launch of the Friends new brand and website. Emilia, Friends Volunteer Website Coordinator explained to the audience the process of how the goals set were achieved and the alignment the new brand has with the Friends values.

The new logo focuses on “Friends” using blue as the primary colour because it symbolises trust, loyalty, and wisdom. The second colour yellow, is the colour of sunshine associated with joy, happiness and energy. Likewise, the new website has been designed to focus on visitors’ experiences and functionality, aligning with the Friends colour scheme which allows for easier access to any information required. 

The Friends would like to thank all volunteers and members that assisted with the new design. In particular a special thank you to Emilia for the countless amount of hours she contributed to achieving this incredible outcome.

Friends would also like to recognise and thank its supporter’s that attended on the day. All were presented with a Certificate of Appreciation. The Friends supporters include

·         Australian Professional Firefighters Foundation

·         Angove Family Winemakers

·         Bartley Partners Accounting

·         GTS Group

·         Community Bank Goodwood, Bendigo Bank

·         MTMM

·         Adelaide Royal Coach Hotel


50 years of support


Friends Set Sites on New Cough Assist Machine