The Friends 29th Annual Conference & AGM was a Huge Success!

The Friends of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital Inc. (Friends) members held a successful 29th Annual Conference and AGM at the Adelaide Royal Coach Hotel on the 21st of October.

Guest speaker John Mannion, Mental Health Commissioner of South Australia opened Conference and presented on current research projects in the area of youth mental health, depression, indigenous mental health and eating disorders.  John is a passionate mental health advocate and storyteller.

Six Friends Life member recipients were awarded Life Membership with John Mannion and Friends Patron Ross Haslam AO presenting citations and badges to those present.

Adrian Richards, Manager Bio Medical Engineering WCHN then took to the floor to present equipment purchases. Please see below the list of equipment selected for purchase from funds raised during the 2021/22 financial year:

6 x Training Manikins for Women’s and Babies Division - $3,400 each
These are required by a number of clinical areas across the Division to enhance their ability to provide newborn life support training.

1x Cardiotocograph (CTG)  for Antenatal Ward - $35,000
A CTG is used to accurately monitor fetal heart rate in an unborn baby, along with the mother’s contractions. The unit proposed here brings the added advantage of also being able to monitor the mother’s blood pressure, heart rhythm and blood oxygen levels.

2x Mobile compressor for home Cystic Fibrosis patients - $600 each
These are used in conjunction with a nebuliser to deliver medication to cystic fibrosis patients by physios who visit patient’s homes. It helps to avoid them having to attend for therapy at the WCH.

2x Bladder scanners for Paediatric Medicine and Allied Health - $15,000 each
An increased number of these scanners within the hospital will improve the availability of a unit across more clinical areas

1x Tourniquet system for Operating Theatres - $13,000
This system would introduce the latest “smart” technology that provides an effective tourniquet function whilst avoiding complications that can arise from using excessive pressure in the cuff.

1x Electrosurgery unit for operating theatres - $14,000
Electrosurgery units are used in operating theatres to both cut and coagulate tissue during surgical procedures. A latest generation unit is sought that has improved functionality and a greater range of accessories that can be utilised for emerging types of surgery

1x Hybrid infant incubator for nurseries - $45,000
This latest technology has be flexibility of being used as either an open overhead style warmer, or a more traditional enclosed “humi-crib”.  We have not been able to use these before now due to the space restrictions in our NICU’s, the opening of our new NICU has opened up this possibility

1x Rapid Infusion System for the Paediatric Emergency Department - $41,000
Life threatening emergencies often require the delivery of blood or other fluids in a very short space of time. This system is the best available to do that, it would make a significant difference to trauma capability.

It has been a massive year for Friends this 2021/22 financial year with a total of $258,895 that was allocated from the Friends funds, with an additional $428,864 received in external donations. This is all to help support the purchases of important medical equipment which adds value to the work of the Women’s and Children’s Health Network. The Conference is a wonderful opportunity to showcase this and thank our hard working volunteer members for their continued support to Friends.

Check out the hospital staff Thank you video to hear about the equipment that has been purchased this year and the difference it makes.



Open Garden Success


A successful Quiz night hosted by the Kadina Auxiliary Division