Read all about our recent exciting stories from Friends, including donations, fundraising events, good-news-stories, equipment purchases, volunteer stories, and more.
The Maitland/Arthurton Auxiliary Division hosted a pop up market raising $10,000!
The Maitland/Arthurton Auxiliary Division hosted the annual Arthurton Pop Up Markets on Sunday 6th November at the Arthurton Sports Complex and it was a huge success. With over 100 market stalls, food/coffee vans, local distilleries, live music and children’s entertainment, they estimated over 2000 people came to support the event throughout the day and raised just over $10,000!
Volunteer Profile: Bev Graham
Bev started in the Rainbows kitchen making sandwiches, rolls and hot dogs two mornings a week. Several years later she was invited to join the shops’ management committee and was trained in all areas of the shops’ operations. She also took on the arduous responsibility of managing the Rainbows daily roster, a task requiring both persistence and enormous patience!
Bartley Partners Donation
How exciting to see the handover of a Phototherapy Unit by our Inaugural Corporate Partner, Bartley Partners Accounting. The unit, which was donated by the Managing Partner Christopher Overton and his team, was presented to Pauline, Nursing/Midwifery Unit Manager, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, WCH.