A successful Quiz night hosted by the Kadina Auxiliary Division

The Friends of the WCH, Kadina Auxiliary group, recently hosted 120 community members for an entertaining Quiz night. The event was held at the local Community Sports Club, on Saturday 22nd October.

Attendees enjoyed testing their trivia knowledge, sharing supper amongst friends, and participating in an assortment of games. The evening included a raffle and auction which were strongly supported by local business in the community, whom generously donated an assortment of items and experiences.

The Lane Vinyard Winery, located in the Adelaide Hills, was also a major supporter of the evening, generously donating the major auction item and an assortment of wine. Jared Stringer, CEO of The Lane, ensured this event was well supported and demonstrated a strong dedication to fundraising for such an important place in South Australia such as The Women’s and Children’s Hospital. 

The Quiz master for the evening was local David Boots, who successfully knew how to challenge everyone’s general knowledge whilst also keeping the crowd engaged and entertained. The sub committee from the Kadina Auxiliary who organised the event were thrilled with success of the evening.

All attendees had fun, with laughter echoing around the room. The event raised $4800 and was a huge success by all involved.

Friends are always welcoming new members to join any Auxiliary group throughout the state. If this sounds like something you would like to be apart of, click the page to find out more.


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