Friends Region 12 Auxiliary Groups Celebrate 60 Years!

On Friday 28th July, Region 12 members from Auxiliary groups Kadina, Maitland/Arthurton, Moonta and Warooka/Yorketown attended their 60th Annual Conference at Arthurton.

Eleanor Langford opened the conference with her story. Eleanor grew up in the area, became a doctor and moved back to her area as a local GP.  Eleanor spoke about the self-collection Cervical Screening Test and  discussed the changes in survival rates over the years. ‘About 800 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer in Australia each year, and about 70% of these cases occur in women who have never screened or were not up-to-date with their screening. Having regular screening tests is the best way to protect yourself’.

Holly Simmons was an amazing Guest Speaker and opened with “I have cancer”.  Holly had a tissue box labelled SSS an acronym for SNIFFLES, SNOT AND SNEEZES! During her presentation the tissues were used in copious amounts.  Holly was diagnosed with cervical cancer and has undergone many treatments. Holly is a vibrant lady who recently celebrated her 40th birthday.  She has filled her bucket list and continues to live her happy life in her hometown amongst family and friends.

The day was thoroughly enjoyed by members with a delicious meal and 60th birthday cake cut by Life Member Kath Mason.


Friends continue to fund Passion Projects


A Lip Smacking Thank You to Target Reynella, from Friends!