
Read all about our recent exciting stories from Friends, including donations, fundraising events, good-news-stories, equipment purchases, volunteer stories, and more.

Sonia Davies Sonia Davies

Moonta Make a Difference Through Music

The Friends Moonta Auxiliary group comprises of 16 passionate and dedicated members who schedule regular ‘Country Music Concerts’ as their primary source of fundraising for the Women’s and Children’s Health Network.

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Sonia Davies Sonia Davies

Friends Shops Volunteers Make a Difference

The Women’s and Children’s Health Network (WCHN) annually fund a Christmas Lunch to acknowledge and thank the Friends Shops Volunteers for their outstanding service given to Rainbows and Vic’s Coffee Shop on site at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital.

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Sonia Davies Sonia Davies

QVA Devonshire Tea

The Friends Queen Victoria Auxiliary committee hosted a Devonshire tea at the Mount Osmond Golf Club, on Monday 23rd October 2023. Members and supporters were thrilled to have ‘Her Excellency the Honourable Frances Adamson AC Governor of South Australia as the Guest Speaker’.

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Sonia Davies Sonia Davies

Camelot Garden Stroll

Kadina residents Helen and Dean Rodda held their final ‘Camelot Garden Stroll’ springtime open generously allowing all gate proceeds to be donated to The Friends of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital Inc’. Helen has been a member of the Friends Kadina Auxiliary for just over 30 years and continues to work tirelessly for charities within the local community.

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Sonia Davies Sonia Davies

Friends Region 12 Auxiliary Groups Celebrate 60 Years!

On Friday 28th July, Region 12 members from Auxiliary groups Kadina, Maitland/Arthurton, Moonta and Warooka/Yorketown attended their 60th Annual Conference at Arthurton.

Eleanor Langford opened the conference. Eleanor grew up in the area, became a doctor and moved back to her area as a local GP. Eleanor spoke about the self-collection Cervical Screening Test and discussed the changes in survival rates over the years. ‘About 800 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer in Australia each year, and about 70% of these cases occur in women who have never screened or were not up-to-date with their screening. Having regular screening tests is the best way to protect yourself’.

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Sonia Davies Sonia Davies

Recognition for Outstanding Volunteer Service

The Friends of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital Inc. (Friends) staff and members congratulate Dorothy Sandland, Shops Auxiliary President on receiving a Premiers Certificate for Recognition of Outstanding Volunteer Service. Pictured is Friends President Pauline Linke presenting the Certificate to Dorothy.

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Friends of the Women's & Children's Hospital FWCH Friends of the Women's & Children's Hospital FWCH

Greenock Auxiliary Division hosting another successful High Tea

As the 2022 year was drawing near, the Greenock Auxiliary Division held an afternoon High Tea for the Friends of Women's and Children's Hospital, on November 20th at the Truro Oval Complex Hall and raised $3,746!

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Guest User Guest User

Edgehill Farm Stays Supports WCH Renal Unit

Friends teamed up with Edgehill Farm Stays to raise funds for the Renal Unit at the WCH earlier this year to help support families and take some stress away during the difficult times.

They were able to donate a generous $925 🎉 A huge thank you to Edgehill Farm Stays and the families who donated this farm stay season.

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Friends of WCH Inc Wade Friends of WCH Inc Wade

Friends President Finalist of the Joy Noble Award

Pauline Linke, President Friends of WCH was honoured on 6 June 2022 as a finalist of the Joy Noble Award. The Joy Noble Award is considered the highest honour of volunteering service in South Australia

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Friends of WCH Inc Wade Friends of WCH Inc Wade

A Little Cowboys Journey

Friend’s members attending the recently held Region 4 Annual Conference were captivated by a special presentation from Guest Speaker Lisa Werner who spoke about her incredible and moving journey after her son Adam was diagnosed with a brain tumour.

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Friends of the Women's & Children's Hospital FWCH Friends of the Women's & Children's Hospital FWCH

Port Adelaide 25th Anniversary

The Friends Port Adelaide Auxiliary once again had a sold-out and extremely successful 25th Anniversary celebration of their High Tea and Fashion Parade with 400 guests attending the Grand Hotel Glenelg on October 30.

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