Recognition for Outstanding Volunteer Service

The Friends of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital Inc. (Friends) staff and members congratulate Dorothy Sandland, Shops Auxiliary President on receiving a Premiers Certificate for Recognition of Outstanding Volunteer Service. Pictured is Friends President Pauline Linke presenting the Certificate to Dorothy.

Dorothy oversees the Volunteers staffed in Rainbows and Vic’s Coffee Shop and is a wonderful role model for members with proven skills in leadership, management, negotiation, and reliability. Dorothy also represents the Shops Division on the Friends Board (Council).

Dorothy has contributed 22 years of service to the Shops Division supporting the fundraising of many thousands of dollars for the purchase of medical equipment for the staff and patients of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital. Thank you for your dedication, commitment and very significant contribution to Friends Dorothy!

The Friends is a not-for-profit association of approximately 500 volunteer members who support and fundraise for the Women’s and Children’s Hospital Network (WCHN) having raised over 17 million dollars for the WCHN. If you would like to be a volunteer and contribute to this amazing association, check out our volunteer button. 



QVA Play Day in May


Friends Welcome their Website Coordinator Volunteer