Read all about our recent exciting stories from Friends, including donations, fundraising events, good-news-stories, equipment purchases, volunteer stories, and more.
Passion Projects 2018 Showcase
On Wednesday, 19th September, during the 3rd celebration of Person and Family Cantered Care Week, we had a chance to look back at the last year’s Passion Projects.
Queen Victoria Auxiliary’s “Book Club” film night
The wind chills in Adelaide didn’t stop around 340 attendees from having a good time at the Queen Victoria Auxiliary’s ‘Book Club’ film night.
Another Successful Year for Friends
Yet another successful year of fundraising by the Friends for the 2017/18 financial year has resulted in the handover of more equipment to the Women’s and Children’s Hospital.
Queen Victoria Equipment Donation
Recently, the Queen Victoria Auxiliary Division of The Friends of Women’s and Children’s Hospital presented a Syringe Pump Docking Station, five Foetal Doppler Monitors and four Incubator Scales to Phil Robinson, Executive Director of Corporate Services and other WCH staff members.
Jess & Jacks 1st birthday donation to Friends of WCH
The Ruciacks is just one of the many families, who have been helped by the specialist team within the Women’s and Children’s Hospital Maternal-Fetal Medicine Service.
Channel 10 Recognises Friends First for NVW
The Friends of WCH were pleased to be the first story aired for National Volunteer Week 2018 by the Channel 10 news. The story acknowledges the amazing contribution the Friends Shops Auxiliary Division provides to the hospital each year.
Virtual Reality Presentation
The Friends were pleased to welcome Associate Professor Belinda Lange at the recent Auxiliary Divisions Region 1 Conference held at the WCH. Professor Lange spoke about the Virtual Reality (VR) program current being trialled in the Medical Day Unit.
Entertainment Memberships Supporting Home Ventilators
Last year the Shops Auxiliary Division raised $1,918 from the sale of the Entertainment Memberships. This year the shops are aiming to raise another $2,000 to support the purchase of a Home Ventilator.
Queen Victoria Auxiliary Finding Their Feet
Once again, this amazing group of dedicated volunteers, family members and generous donors hosted a successful fundraiser. Around 450 supporters came out for the Queen Victoria Auxiliary, 'Finding Your Feet', Film night.
Friends Help To Introduce Virtual Reality
Minor invasive procedures such as blood draws, cannula insertion and catheter insertion can be extremely stressful for children, their family members/carers and Women’s and Children’s Hospital staff.
Rani Goes Home
Fifteen-year-old Rani was recently allowed to go home after spending over a month in the Women’s and Children’s Hospital. Thanks to the two syringe drive pumps purchased by the hospital with funds donated by the Friends.
Transforming Treatment Options for SA Children
The Friends continue to transform treatment options for consumers attending the WCH. Last month the purchase of two Bodyguard Infusion Pumps assisted with minimising the stress for Nicola.