Read all about our recent exciting stories from Friends, including donations, fundraising events, good-news-stories, equipment purchases, volunteer stories, and more.
OZ Minerals Breast Pump Donation
Approximately 10% of the yearly admissions to the Women’s and Children’s Hospital (WCH), Neo Natal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families.
“Data collected in NICU for the year 2020 shows 69% of Aboriginal neonates received breastmilk as their first feed, with the number significantly dropping to 36% of infants receiving some breastmilk at discharge. Providing breast pumps to these families within the NICU is seen as a valuable resource that will assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders with their journey through NICU and expressing for their babies. Breast milk provides a significantly lower risk of sepsis, necrotising enterocolitis and shows better growth and development of premature neonates, it really does provide the best start for these already vulnerable infants.
Istrian Social Club Purchase Ultrasound Scanner
The Friends of WCH were pleased to facilitate a recent donation of $85,000 from the Istrian Social Club of SA Incorporated. Club members selected the GE E-8 Ultrasound Scanner for the Women’s and Children’s Hospital Maternal Foetal Medicine (MFM) services.
This is a state of the art modern ultrasound machine and the one used in a vast majority of Tertiary Obstetric MFM Units.
Port Adelaide 25th Anniversary
The Friends Port Adelaide Auxiliary once again had a sold-out and extremely successful 25th Anniversary celebration of their High Tea and Fashion Parade with 400 guests attending the Grand Hotel Glenelg on October 30.
Open Garden Raises $5198
Despite a challenging weather forecast, the Open Garden at Heatherby raised $5198 which will be used to purchase three oxygen analysers, four foetal Doplers, and two blood pressure units for the Women’s and Babies’ Division of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital.
Region 10 Celebrate 60 years and Farewell a Long Standing Friend
Members attending the 60th celebrations for the Friends Region 10 Annual Conference and 60th Anniversary celebrations enjoyed an informative presentation from guest speaker Justyna Rosa, Wellbeing SA. The presentation focused on the mental health issues within regional areas of the state and provided and insight into how Wellbeing SA are addressing these concerns.
60 Years Meningie Auxiliary
Meningie's Auxiliary of Friends Women's and Children's Hospital celebrated their sixtieth anniversary at Freshie's Café and Bar. Around thirty people joined the group to celebrate six decades of raising funds for the Women's & Children's Hospital.
Region 6 Auxiliaries 58th Annual Conference
Members of The Friends of Women’s and Children’s Hospital Inc (Friends) Region 6 Auxiliaries Division, recently held their 58th Annual Conference at Ruston’s Restaurant & Functions in Renmark. The region comprises of the Renmark and Berri Auxiliaries with 25 active members who have raised $202,840 for the hospital over 60 years of fund raising.
Adelaide Dickens Fellowship Final Donation to WCH
It was with great sadness that the Friends learnt of the decision to close the Adelaide Dickens Fellowship. The Friends have taken great pride in facilitating the donations the fellowship has made to the hospital for purchasing books and equipment over the years. The Friends understand the difficulty in attracting new members and sympathise with the fellowship regarding the need to make the decision to close.
Appreciation for our Knitters!
Rainbows’ and Vics’ volunteers love selling the beautiful knitted goods donated by Friends all around South Australia!
Bridge Day Raises $3,355
A very successful Bridge/Games Day recently raised $3,355 for equipment for the Women’s and Babies’ Division.
Region 5 Auxiliaries Celebrate 60 Years
Members of the Friends of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital Region Five, gathered at Pinnaroo on Monday for their sixtieth anniversary and conference.
Around fifteen volunteers from Pinnaroo, Tintinara, Lameroo and Meningie gathered at the Pinnaroo Hotel.
WCH Staff Thank Members
As another financial year closes, the WCH and Friends thank our amazing members around the state that support the hospital in so many ways. This video demonstrates the level of support provided to all South Australian by Friends every year.