Read all about our recent exciting stories from Friends, including donations, fundraising events, good-news-stories, equipment purchases, volunteer stories, and more.
Friends Support Book Donation
The Friends of The Women’s and Children’s Hospital were pleased to facilitate a recent donation from the Adelaide Dickens Fellowship Group of $500.
Mission Accomplished
Thanks to an amazing group of dedicated volunteers, family members and generous donors who hosted a Fundraiser. On Sunday 26th, around 500 supporters came out for the Queen Victoria Auxiliaries, Hidden Figures Film Night.
Shop Volunteers Urgently Required
Would you like to make a real difference in the lives of other people? Would you like to contribute to a cause that provides important medical equipment? Do you want to be rewarded for what you do and make new friends?
The Friends give a HUG
At a time of joy and stress, coming into Hospital over the Christmas period is sometimes the last thing that families need. It is often the little things that brighten people’s days.
Friends 2016 Conference
The Friends of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital 24th Annual Conference allowed for members and staff to get an in-depth understanding of what is happening within our charity organisation.
Queen Victoria Auxiliary Fashion Night A Success
The fifth annual Queen Victoria Auxiliary Fashion Night has successfully raised $12,000 for the Women’s and Children’s Hospital. Host Kelly Nestor welcomed the attendees to a night of South Australian fashion.
New Ultrasound Provides Greater Treatment accuracy
The Paediatric Rehabilitation Botulinum Toxin Program at the Women's and Children's Hospital provides a consumer-focused, family-friendly service for patients who require Botox injections for muscle spasticity, usually 2-3 times per year.
Friends purchase $100,000 of equipment
The Friends of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital has raised $100,000 to purchase two pieces of medical equipment for the hospital.
Friends on Facebook
The WCH Friends are making it easier for the community and members to connect, by launching its Facebook Page.
Friends Contribute to Health Network
April 18th marked a significant date for The Friends of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital with the first major piece of equipment being handed over as part of the new process for acknowledging the contribution the Friends make to Women’s and Children’s Health Network.
Welcome to our New Patron
Pauline Linke, President of the Friends of the Women’s & Children’s Hospital Incorporated, announced Associate Professor Ross Haslam as their new Patron at the 2015 State Conference.
Friends Thank Bev Graham
Outgoing President of The Friends of WCH Inc., Shops Auxiliary Division Bev Graham presents the first donation for the new financial year to Phil Robinson, Executive Director, Corporate Services WCHN at the Shops Division Christmas dinner earlier this month.